How To Install A Projection Screen The Right Way

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Sound & Vision News

From Sound & Vision:

Dave Rodgers is on a mission to ensure owners of video projection systems, and professionals who set up these systems, get it right. As marketing manager for Garden Grove, California-based Elite Screens, he travels the world promoting the virtues of bringing the movie theater home or, as he likes to say, the larger-than-life experience that only a huge video projection screen can deliver.

For Rodgers, watching movies on a home theater projection screen is a “sensual” experience he likens to drinking fine wine. “Think about your senses,” he explains. “Your body actually produces dopamine when your senses are pleased. You don’t drink wine like water; you savor it. And you don’t hold your wineglass by the bowl or rim. You hold the base or stem so that there are no unsightly fingerprints on the glass and your fingertips don’t warm the vintage beyond its optimal tasting temperature.”