Which Screen is Best for my 4K & 3D Projector?

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Here is a customer with a projector capable of 16:9 (HDTV) or 2.35:1 (Cinemascope or 2.40:1). He is also looking for active 3D and 4K compliance. He has a preference for a widescreen format and the following discussion weighs the pros and cons.



*The discussion below is based on actual chat transcripts with the omission of any personal/confidential material to protect the customer’s privacy. An example in this case is to change the contact’s identification name/number to “Customer” or a generic name.


[16:31]        Rick: Hello, how may I help you.

[16:34] Customer: i just bought a Sony projector that is 16:9 and 2.35:1 but I am told it is “native” 2.35:1. It is also 4k and 3d and I wanted a screen to match.

[16:34] Customer: I know that the Cinegrey 3D and Cinegrey 5D are polarized but can they work in widescreen?

[16:35] Customer: Are there specialized materials for 3D polarity?

[16:37] Customer: Will they work in a widescreen (2.35:1) format?

[16:40]        Rick: Okay, our Cinewhite material is Active 3D and 4K compliant and is available in a widescreen (aka Cinemascope or 2.35:1) aspect ratio. We also have an electric screen that offers alternating 16:9 & 2.35:1 screens to project on.  We also have the Cinegrey 3D & 5D® screen materials are polarized for active and passive 3D in addition to 4K compliance but its ambient light rejecting material design will negate the performance of cinemascope screens. Tech tip on matte white to ambient light rejecting Cinegrey 3D® – https://elitescreens.com/front/front/newsdetail/news/394

[16:42]        Rick: The overall performance is better on an ALR screen. If you are okay with running letterbox content on a 16:9  format, I would go with the ALR option.  If cinemascope is your top priority, I’d go all in for a curved frame projection screen in a dark room using matte white material – Tech tip on Curve Screens – https://elitescreens.com/front/front/newsdetail/news/271

[16:43] Customer: I was told i need a 235:1 and I think my heart is set on it.  My 3D is Active as well. How can I do my own search for what you have available?

[16:44]        Rick: Here is the link for a custom screen request.  https://elitescreens.net/custom-size-request-form/

[16:46]        Rick: the biggest we have is this model AR158WH2-WIDE this is about the max for most of our customer media room requests.

[16:47] Customer: Thanks Rick.  I think I’ll go for a matte white curve screen and I will use the resource you provided to narrow down the search.  Thanks again.

[16:47]        Rick: My pleasure.  Thank you for choosing Elite Screens.