EPV Service explains Acoustic Transparent Materials and room brightness

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A customer is working with a custom installer but has questions he feels would be best answered at the source. EPV products are sold only through dedicated custom installers but we are available to answer the tough questions. In this discussion, Johnny addresses the value of dark painted walls in a media room and why Acoustically Transparent (AT) is absolutely worth it.  With speakers mounted behind the screen, sound breathes through the material with minimal attenuation giving viewers the full experience of a professional theater screen but better.  It’s better because it is yours, in a home theater room designed by an industry professional to suit your style in your own home.


Here are the links used in the discussion: http://epvscreens.com/products/fixed-frame-screens/peregrine-a4k.html

*The discussion below is based on actual chat transcripts with the omission of any personal/confidential material to protect the customer’s privacy. An example in this case is to change the contact’s identification name/number to “Customer” or a generic name.



  • 4:00:00 PM                Johnny – Thank you for contacting EPV Screens Sales department.  This is Johnny, how may I help you?
  • 12:37:20 PM       Jack- I am speaking with an installer and he is talking about “Peregrine 4K” material and I really don’t know why.  What’s the difference between that and the white material.
  • 12:37:25 PM       Jack – It’s not like a regular screen stops the sound from my speakers.
  • 12:37:46 PM              Johnny – I’d be glad to help. There are a lot of advantages with the Peregrine 4K. It sounds like the speakers will be placed in the wall behind the screen.
  • 12:37:54 PM       Jack – Yes, they will be.
  • 12:38:05 PM              Johnny – Acoustically transparent material is used in installations like this because sound can pass through the screen with minimal attenuation. Regular matte white materials will muffle your sound and will make your top of the line speakers sound like a cheap swap-meet special. It sounds like you really care about this installation so I strongly suggest the Peregrine 4K which is a UHD-AT (ultra high definition – acoustically transparent) and I strongly recommend it.
  • 12:38:23 PM       Jack – Okay fine, I also wanted to know, first, does it matter what color the wall is behind the screen. Not to the sides, but behind the screen
  • 12:39:11 PM              Johnny – Dark wall colors enhance the visual performance of your projection screen.  When you have light colored walls, light from your projector and screen reflects off light colored walls and into your field of vision.  It may cause eye discomfort and will definitely affect the picture quality of your screen.
  • 12:39:44 PM       Jack – That makes sense.  What about documents for this product that I can read?
  • 12:39:57 PM       Jack – Are there installation guides online? What’s a black backing?
  • 12:40:17 PM       Jack – I want to know what the black backing is all about–is it independent of the white screen? Is it also AT?
  • 12:40:24 PM              Johnny – Yes, there is a download tab on the product page http://epvscreens.com/products/fixed-frame-screens/peregrine-a4k.html  this provides everything about the product, its features, how to assemble and install.
  • 12:40:40 PM       Jack – Thanks. What about the black backing.
  • 12:40:48 PM              Johnny – The black backing is a light, porous material that installs behind your projector screen.  It prevents light penetrating your screen material to light up the wall behind your screen.
  • 12:40:55 PM       Jack – Ok
  • 12:41:06 PM              Johnny – It keeps light from illuminating your speakers or even the wall itself.  Otherwise, you would be able to see this through your screen.
  • 12:41:13 PM       Jack – I’m getting a 120” so I’d prefer not to have that.  It does not hurt the sound does it?
  • 12:41:17 PM              Johnny – The black backing will enhance your visual performance and is also acoustically transparent.
  • 12:41:50 PM              Johnny – It attaches easily enough from behind.
  • 12:42:03 PM       Jack – is it optional or included?
  • 12:42:14 PM              Johnny – We include it with the screen at no extra cost.
  • 12:42:36 PM       Jack – but it’s physically removable from the white screen?
  • 12:42:56 PM              Johnny – yes, It can be at your discretion.
  • 12:43:40 PM       Jack – So I imagine it doesn’t matter at all whether behind that black backing is white or black wall?
  • 12:44:18 PM              Johnny – The black backing will help you even if you have white walls. However, white walls really light up with ambient light. Remember, whatever you see is visible because light is bouncing off it and reaching your eyes.  Even dark paints reflect to a degree but the picture quality on your screen is noticeably better.  A darker wall color also enhances the media room aesthetics.
  • 12:44:47 PM       Jack – ok.. is there an installation manual/guide for the fixed screen?
  • 12:45:26 PM              Johnny – Yes, you’ll see that on the web page http://epvscreens.com/products/fixed-frame-screens/peregrine-a4k.html
  • 12:45:37 PM       Jack – Perfect, thanks
  • 12:46:28 PM       Jack – Are there visible holes in the material that the sound can pass through?
  • 12:46:51 PM              Johnny – No, the material has a very close weave so that it is dense enough for even 4K UHD content to be played on it but light enough for sound to pass through without losing its clarity.
  • 12:48:04 PM       Jack – got it thanks.. I’ll take it from here.
  • 12:48:07 PM       Jack – Thanks for the help.
  • 12:48:48 PM              Johnny – It was my pleasure Jack.  If you need anything else, please let me know.
  • 12:49:35 PM       Jack – I’ll do that.  Thanks again for your help and have a pleasant evening.
  • 12:50:41 PM              Johnny – Thank you for choosing EPV Screens.
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