Service Chat: I Bought a Screen That is Too Big. How Can I Return It?

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Sometimes Bigger is not better. Here is an often-encountered scenario where a customer buys a screen that is too big and needs to swap it for a smaller size. This may likely result in a restocking fee as well as lost time in creating your own big screen experience.




*The discussion below is based on actual chat transcripts with the omission of any personal/confidential material to protect the customer’s privacy.   An example in this case is to change the contact’s identification name/number   to “Customer” or a generic name.


[18:29] Rick: Hello, how may I help you.

[18:34] Customer: Hi, I recently ordered a 120in screen, but it ended up begin to long. I then when on to order the 110in screen, so needed info on how to return previous screen.

[18:35] Rick: where did you purchase the screen originally?

[18:38] Rick: if you purchase the screen directly from our shop site at please send an email to  with a copy of your invoice. and screen model /serial number.

[18:40] Customer: I thought thru Amazon, but not seeing the invoice only the info label from Elite Screens

[18:41] Rick: if you purchase through Amazon, you will need to go to your orders list and request a return. If the unit is purchase from Amazon direct, they will send you a return liable for the unit.

[18:42] Customer: Okay.. thank you.

[18:43] Rick: you’re welcome